11 May 2011


Today so many applications at facebook that getting excited to enjoy it , let say if you boring with your profile picture and banner , you can improve and edit by third party application to make bigger or full pict profile than others , and you can change banner ,with wide view single image , and also if you have page or fans page at facebook , usually web owner or product business  who looking for visitor to come to their website ,you can  make great layout now with html code , iframe ,java script and flash . so your page will get new look , instead of boring page or standard page , so here we go , i am gonna share
a couple great apps at fb :

If you have Facebook's New Profile, you can publish a graphic banner at the top of your page. This is a great way to customize FB a little bit. and make your image more length than usually , This tool makes it easy. Just upload your own image, or pick one of our popular ones! and after you allow this application to access your id , you will redirect to  http://apps.facebook.com/profile-banner. and you can manage your banner too .

So it's up to you now , just wanna change the profile pict or just banner or both of them

iframe + Static FBML + Welcome Tab = iwipa
A complete alternative to static FBML + IFRAME Solution!
Integrate your site with your fan page by placing a welcome tab and set it as the landing page.
A website builder with support for Html, wysiwyg, iframe, javascript, flash and other languages.

just like them and allow to access your id , then you will redirect to their http://apps.facebook.com/iwipage/ 
to edit your welcome tab at your page ,and just for information ,5 million user already using this application , so try it now , and see page that i already made ,

just visit my page here and please make sure you like our page ,because many content i hide ,only for fans can access that , as you can see , i make simple page with this apps , i add chat room from http://www.99chats.com .just sign up there ,it's free .then copy the code and paste at your iwipa page , and i add some cool widget from http://www.widgetbox.com , it's free too , i take mp3 player and form contact us from there and just to make perfect i added counter online and visitor from feedjit.com , so far , i enjoy manage my page .

this apps more simple than iwipa , they just provide welcome page or landing page ,with player that can play mp3 and youtube video ,but what i like from this apps , because we still can update posting or write to wall under that player , so we can post and in the same time , we can enjoy watch or listen to video or mp3 , so after you like , you will redirect to http://apps.facebook.com/bandpage/  and after that redirect again to http://www.rootmusic.com/  

and there is a lot of great application ,i can share you :


  1. I have recently installed iwipa and when I check my landing page as a non fan I can see list of fans in the right column of my home page. I would like to hide them for my non fans. How can I do it??

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